Food that takes you home!
ENBloom Derm Protect is an Aloe Vera balm that is applied to the bites or reaction of mosquitos, tiger mosquitoes, wasps , jellyfish and nettles. It is ideal for any member of the family and is applied comfortably. It provides an immediate action by relieving and refreshing the itching. It is made from natural ingredients. ESBloom Derm Protect es un bálsamo de Aloe Vera que se aplica en las picaduras de mosquitos, mosquitos tigre, avispa, medusa y ortiga. Es ideal para cualquier miembro de la familia y se aplica con comodidad. Proporciona una acción inmedita aliviando y refrescando el escozor. Está elaborado a base de ingredientes naturales.
ENAloe Vera Extract, Plant Extract (Marigold and Mallow), Sweet Almond Oil and Wheat Germ. Does not contain ammonia, respects the skin and is dermatologically tested. ESExtracto de Aloe Vera, Extractos de plantas (Caléndula y malva), aceite de almendra dulce y germen de trigo. No contiene amoníaco, respeta la piel y está testado dermatológicamente.
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