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ENIf adding a new ingredient to your stews is what you need, the Gilse sausage is your perfect ingredient. A soft sausage with a tender texture that will add more flavor to your dishes and that will not go unnoticed. Try new things and enjoy new flavors that you will love. NOIf adding a new ingredient to your stews is what you need, the Gilse sausage is your perfect ingredient. A soft sausage with a tender texture that will add more flavor to your dishes and that will not go unnoticed. Try new things and enjoy new flavors that you will love.
EN61% pork, milk skimmed, starch, 2% salt, glucose, pepper, antioxidant E315, preservative E261, E326, E250. NO61% svinekjøtt, melk skummet, stivelse, 2% salt, glukose, pepper, antioksidant E315, konserveringsmiddel E261, E326, E250.
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