Food that takes you home!
ENDelicious satay sauce or peanut sauce for meats or fish. Prepare your skewers of saté or satay with this sauce ready for consumption. NLHeerlijke satésaus of pindasaus voor vlees of vis. Bereid uw saté spiesjes of saté met deze saus klaar voor consumptie.
ENWater, peanut ground 26%, sugar, vinegar, sauce soy (water, soy, wheat, salt), modified starch, flavor, sambal (chili pepper, salt), garlic, flour lupine, salt, rapeseed oil, acid: lactic acid, spices, dyes; caramel extract, paprika, preservative: potassium sorbate, thickener: xanthan gum. NLWater, pinda aarde 26%, suiker, azijn, sojasaus (water, soja, tarwe, zout), gemodificeerd zetmeel, smaak, sambal (chili peper, zout), knoflook, lupinemeel, zout, koolzaadolie, zuur: melkzuur, specerijen, kleurstoffen; caramel extract, paprika, conserveermiddel: kaliumsorbaat, verdikkingsmiddel: xanthaangom.
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