HAK Linzencurry 500g/ Lentils with Curry and Vegetables

HAK Linzen Curryschotel 500g/ Lentils with Curry and Vegetables

VAT included
Price per unit: 9.30 €*
*unit, Kg o litro

ENHak Linzen-Curry is a ready-to-eat blend of lentils, vegetables, spices and curry sauce. Ideal to eat with rice or naan bread. From 2 to 3 servings, you will enjoy a tasty dish rich in fiber, protein and nutrients. NLHak Linzen-Curry is een kant-en-klare mix van linzen, groenten, kruiden en currysaus. Ideaal om te eten met rijst of naanbrood. Van 2 tot 3 porties geniet u van een smakelijk gerecht dat rijk is aan vezels, eiwitten en voedingsstoffen.


ENVegetables in varying ratio 36% (carrot, tomato, green bean, onion, paprika), lentils 32%, tomato puree, cream (milk protein, lactose), garlic, pineapple concentrate, modified corn starch, herbs and spices (cumin, coriander, white pepper, cinnamon, cayennepper, turmeric), red chili pepper, salt, potassium chloride, ginger, vinegar, sunflower oil. NLGroenten in wisselende verhouding 36% (wortel, tomaat, sperzieboon, ui, paprika), linzen 32%, water tomatenpuree, room (melkeiwit, lactose), knoflook, ananassapconcentraat, gemodificeerd maiszetmeel, kruiden en specerijen (komijnzaad, koriander, witte peper, kaneel, cayennepper, kurkuma), rode chilipeper, zout, kaliumchloride, gember, azijn, zonnebloem.


Data sheet

Food preparation
Ready to eat
Specialty foods
Indian food
Rich in

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